Monday, October 17, 2011

World Dioramas

Students selected ONE of the following and created a diorama of that concept or idea from Unit One, which focuses on the major themes and concepts of world geography.

I. Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere, or Biosphere
II. Water cycle and rain-shadow effect
III. Climate regions (selection of a climate region means that you must create the neighboring region to the one you selected.
a. Tropical: Rainforest and Savannah
b. Dry: Desert and Steppe
c. Mid-latitude: Mediterranean, Humid Subtropical, Humid Continental, and Marine West Coast
d. High latitude: Polar, Sub-arctic, and Tundra

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Walking through the Subtraction Process

Do you get confused when subtracting integers? If you do, you may want to try this too:

Mrs. Kridler’s class has been working on subtraction of integers. Last week, the class headed outside to use giant number lines to literally walk through the subtraction process. Here are some of our students demonstrating the following problems:

(2) - (0) =

(-3) - (-7) =

(2) - (8) =

(6) - (-5) =

(-4) - (-5) =

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ms. Scott's English class - Life Map Project

These are some pictures of the Life Maps of 7th graders. Kids were asked to make a project representing the major events of their lives, and include their favorite things in some creative way. As you can see, kids from all different backgrounds with all different interests found ways to beautifully represent their lives! Bravo, 7th graders!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Países de habla española en América del Sur, Centroamérica, el Caribe

Mrs. Culbreath's Spanish classes combined Español and geography this past Friday. Students enjoyed using the SMART Board to practice identifying and reciting the names of countries and capitals in Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. Students learned we have special connections to Venezuela (where Mrs. Culbreath is from) and República Dominicana (where our sister school, Carol Morgan School is located).

Sunday, September 18, 2011

9/11 - Ten Years Later

Students interviewed their parents/grandparents about their reflections on the day 10 years ago and researched the facts through several videos, then created a Wordle to represent the anniversary of 9/11.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


AMS students will be commenting on our partner school's blogs. Therefore, we are learning to compose quality blog comments and are working hard to remember the following tips when we submit a comment:

1. Make specific compliments
- be positive
- be specific
2. Add new information

3. Make a connection
-share related facts, experiences
4. End with a relevant question
-keep the conversation going
5. Proofread
-capitalization (including the word “I”)
- use only one exclamation mark! Use your words instead to make your point.
6. Use your first name only.

This week's focus blog is

AMS is QuadBlogging!

Auburn has partnered with classrooms from Australia, New Zealand and Canada to blog! Please view this presentation to find out the details about Quadblogging.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Illuminated Manuscripts on PhotoPeach

During the course of our European studies with attention given to medieval period, students discussed the process of creating illuminated manuscripts, an art form that peaked during the 13th century. Illumination was created to illustrate text either, secular or religious themed, usually written in calligraphy. After describing the labor intensive procedure utilized by medieval monks, Mr. Roll had students create their own illuminations using a verse from their favorite song. The resulting student work was outstanding and some examples are shown here.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Wildcat Writers of 804

Take a few moments to read a sample of the wonderful writing that goes on in room 804.

Narrative Poem by Jim

Lyddie by Eliza

The Lyddie PhotoStory required students to retell key information from the novel, to do research on a related historical topic, and to write and perform the voice-over from a script and related documents. You are sure to enjoy Eliza's take on Lyddie. Please turn your sound up all the way!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Robbie is SMART About 3.14

Robbie chose to make an interactive lesson for his Pi Day project. He used SMART Notebook to create an activity for his peers. Check out his activity below to test your understanding of Pi!

Download Robbie's SMART Notebook file.

Understanding Pi by Kaley

When Kaley's math teacher offered extra credit for creating a Pi Day project, Kaley knew just what tool to use. She chose Xtranormal, an online site used to create movies from text. By watching this clip, you'll be sure to learn a lot about Pi, including related vocabulary and a fast fact!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Outsiders Glog by Ho'ola

Ever heard of a glog? Well, a glog is an online, interactive poster. You can make a glog using Glogster Edu. Ho'ola's teacher asked his class to create a wanted poster highlighting a character from The Outsiders. Students were to include character traits, reasons the character was wanted, and more. As you can see, Ho'ola went above and beyond when designing his poster.

PSA by Sara, Maddie, Ali & Abby

The students were asked to create a public service announcement to convince others that cloning is either necessary or not okay. These students went beyond what was asked by including background music to set the mood and make their message more convincing. As you will hear, these ladies created a PSA that is not only professional, but appeals to the heart as well.

Genetic Disorders by Erin

Erin's class was asked to research and create a presentation about a genetic disorder. The students were introduced to Prezi, a new way to create presentations online. This was the first class at AMS to use Prezi and as you will see, they had no problem figuring it out!

Let the Student Showcase Begin!

The students highlighted in this site have gone above and beyond the class assignment to add in their creativity, talent and understanding. By sharing their work, we hope others will learn more about the content and will be inspired to create outstanding projects also.

We know many other students at AMS deserve to have their work showcased. Please fill out the form below so we can include you too!