Sunday, September 18, 2011

9/11 - Ten Years Later

Students interviewed their parents/grandparents about their reflections on the day 10 years ago and researched the facts through several videos, then created a Wordle to represent the anniversary of 9/11.


  1. Hi Auburn Middle School,

    I'm Emily from Hawthorndene Primary School in Adelaide, South Australia. The 9/11 was a very tragic thing. I really feel sorry for everyone who died and who was involved in the event. I really like your blog and it sounds like you do some interesting things in class.

    Emily :D

  2. Imagine just to people saved 400 life but risked there own.... Really sad i watched it on CNN.watching people jump was horrific i cant even imagine i don't usually pray but i pray for the families that lost someone important in there life's in attack. It could of been our mom or dad or brother or sister.

  3. Hi Emily and Noah,
    Yes, it was a horrible tragedy. Most of our students were too young to remember that day so they gathered stories from their relatives. None of us adults will forget though. Our school had a nice ceremony outside to honor the lives lost. We are planting a crape myrtle tree as a memorial.

  4. Hi!
    Our class watched a video about 9/11 last week.
    It was sad but interesting to see the events of the day and the bravery of the firefighters and dogs that went in to save people.
    Thanks for sharing.
    I like Dogs.
