Monday, May 16, 2011

Illuminated Manuscripts on PhotoPeach

During the course of our European studies with attention given to medieval period, students discussed the process of creating illuminated manuscripts, an art form that peaked during the 13th century. Illumination was created to illustrate text either, secular or religious themed, usually written in calligraphy. After describing the labor intensive procedure utilized by medieval monks, Mr. Roll had students create their own illuminations using a verse from their favorite song. The resulting student work was outstanding and some examples are shown here.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Wildcat Writers of 804

Take a few moments to read a sample of the wonderful writing that goes on in room 804.

Narrative Poem by Jim

Lyddie by Eliza

The Lyddie PhotoStory required students to retell key information from the novel, to do research on a related historical topic, and to write and perform the voice-over from a script and related documents. You are sure to enjoy Eliza's take on Lyddie. Please turn your sound up all the way!