Monday, May 16, 2011

Illuminated Manuscripts on PhotoPeach

During the course of our European studies with attention given to medieval period, students discussed the process of creating illuminated manuscripts, an art form that peaked during the 13th century. Illumination was created to illustrate text either, secular or religious themed, usually written in calligraphy. After describing the labor intensive procedure utilized by medieval monks, Mr. Roll had students create their own illuminations using a verse from their favorite song. The resulting student work was outstanding and some examples are shown here.


  1. Wow, these are looking fantastic. We did some illuminated letters earlier this year but only the initials of our names.What did you use to colour your illuminations?

  2. Hello
    My name is Charlotte and I am from Pams class SA.
    I think that Illuminated letters are awsome and a great class project! I noticed that there are some lines from some songs that I know and like! Great job guys!

  3. Hi I am Amelia from Pams class in Adelaide, South Australia.
    They look really cool. The boarders and your illuminated letters look absoulutly amazing! You are a very talented class! We did some erlier in the year but we just did the first letter of our names!

    Keep up the good work!

  4. Hey guys it's Nick from Pam's class in Adelaide,
    These look fantastic! They are very well done and I would definetly like to do something like that in our class. I wonder if any of you chose the same song as your favourite of even the same verse?
    Keep up the excellent work,
    From Nick ;) :)

  5. Students were permitted to select an appropriate song. The actual lettering was completed use coloured pencils. I had supplied examples of the alphabet in one type of calligraphy. Thank you for viewing the student work, as it was a rewarding experience.
